Project #3 and BlackJack


    ///Name: Tim Gibson
    ///Period: 6
    ///Project Name:  BlackJack
    ///File Name:
    ///Date Finished: 11/6/15
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class Blackjack
        public static void main ( String[] args )
            Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
            Random r = new Random();
            System.out.println( "Welcome to Timmy's BlackJack program!" );
            int p1, p2, p3, pt, d1, d2, d3, dt; 
            double mon, bet; //pt = player total dt= dealer total mon = money
            mon = 100;
            String response1, response2; //for hit/stay and play again
            do //whole game contained in do while loop so it can be repeated as long as person has money. 
                System.out.println( "The dealer shuffles the cards. You currently have $" + mon + "." );
                System.out.print( "How much would you like to bet? " );
                bet = kb.nextDouble();
                p1 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
                p2 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
                pt = p1 + p2;
                d1 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
                d2 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
                dt = d1 + d2;
                System.out.println( "You were dealt a " + p1 + " and a " + p2 + ". \nYour total is " + pt + "." );
                System.out.println( "The dealer is showing a " + d1 + "." );
                if ( pt == 21 ) //in case they get dealt a blackjack, they instantly win and get 3/2 their bet in return.
                    System.out.println( "You were dealt a blackjack. Yay.!" ); 
                    mon = mon + ( 3 / 2 ) * bet;
                    System.out.println( "You now have $" + mon + "." );
                else // the game if a blackjack isn't instantly dealt
                    do // players turn
                        System.out.print( "Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? " );
                        response1 =;
                        if ( response1.equals("hit") && pt <= 21)
                            p3 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
                            pt += p3;
                            System.out.println( "You drew a " + p3 + ". \nYour total is now " + pt + "." );
                    } while ( response1.equals("hit") && pt <= 21);
                    if ( pt <= 21 )
                        System.out.println( "Okay, dealer's turn. \nHis hidden card was a " + d2 + ". \nHis total is " + dt + "." );
                        while ( dt <= 16 )
                            d3 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
                            dt += d3;
                            System.out.println( "\nDealer chooses to hit. \nHe draws a " + d3 + ". \nHis new total is " + dt + "." );
                        if ( dt <= 21 )
                            System.out.println( "Dealer Stays." );
                            System.out.println( "Dealer's total is " + dt + ". \nYour total is " + pt + "." );
                            if ( dt > pt )
                                System.out.println( "Dealer wins" );
                                mon -= bet;
                            else if ( dt < pt )
                                System.out.println( "You Win!" );
                                mon += bet;
                            else if ( dt == pt )
                                System.out.println( "Push" );
                        else if ( dt > 21 )
                            System.out.println( "Dealer Busts. \nYou Win!" );
                            mon += bet;
                    else if ( pt > 21 )
                        System.out.println( "You Bust. \nDealer Wins." );
                        mon -= bet;
                System.out.println( "You now have $" + mon + "." );
                System.out.print( "Would you like to play again? (y/n) " );
                response2 =;
            } while ( response2.equals("y") && mon > 0 );
            if ( response2.equals("yes")) //if they have no $ left but want to play
                System.out.println( "You can't play again becuase you have no money left. /nYou sadly leave the casino, knwoing you rwife is going to be furious with you for losing all the money. You should have remembered that the house always wins. Unless you're rainman." );
            else if ( mon > 100 ) //if they're leaving with more money than they started out with
                System.out.println( "You leave with more money than you came in with. You did it! Just be careful next time you go to a casino, because the pit boss has his eye on you." );
            else if ( mon < 100 ) //leaving with less $ than started, but at least they have some
                System.out.println( "You lost some money, but at lesat you didnt lose it all. " );
            else if ( mon == 100 )
                System.out.println( "You Broke Even. What are the odds?! " );

Picture of the output
